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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Orleans, France

May 23, 2010
On my day trip to Orleans I discovered a quaint town full of cobblestone paths and relics of Saint Joan of Arc. As my approach toward miniature the Cathédrale Sainte-Croix I was stopped in my tracks by the echoing of church bells. The bells turned into the most marvelous music that boomed and echoed off buildings throughout the town. I followed the bells upward alleys to the cathedral.

Located inside were many adorations to Saint Joan of Arc who is a national heroine and patron saint of France.  There is a rich history of Saint Joan of Arc throughout Orleans. The sun was shining through the stained glass so splendid that I had to capture this image! A marvelous cathedral inside!

The labyrinth is located on the side of the cathedral near the parking lot. It is a miniature (Loiret) labyrinth and at first found difficulty in locating it. It is a smaller version but it walkable. This labyrinth is a replica of the medieval labyrinths. In the center of the labyrinth is a sundial.

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