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Friday, May 21, 2010

Join me in my walk...

Join me in my journey of walking the labyrinth.

I will be traveling and researching medieval labyrinths in Chartres, Orleans, Guingamp, Bayeux, Amiens, and Saint Quentin, France. I will continue my research by studying the origin, uses and construction of medieval labyrinths.  There are only a handful of Medieval Labyrinths remaining in place. Located on the old pilgrimage roads (look for St. James of Compostela shell signs), each site is home to at least one Black Madonna, and all are dedicated to Mary, except the modern replica in OrlĂ©ans.

I will attend workshops and further my exploration of labyrinths in New Harmonie, Indiana. I will interview Brother Barry Donahue at St. Mary of the Woods in Terre Haute, Indiana. I will then continue my research and journey in California with a qualified labyrinth builder, Robert Ferre. I will endeavor in designing classroom activities using the labyrinth by constructing a 7-circuit canvas labyrinth.

Pilgrims are people in motion–passing through territories not our own—seeking something we might call completion, or perhaps the word clarity will do just as well; a goal to which only the spirit’s compass points the way.
Richard Niebuhr

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