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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bayeux, France

May 30- June 1, 2010
The labyrinth is laid as a pavement in the Chapter House of Bayeux Cathedral in Normandy, France.  This labyrinth is different in that it's not located in the nave of the cathedral but in the chapter house. Various dates are given from the thirteenth to sixteenth century.
After two days of fruitful attempts of phone calls, long walks and contact connections I was unable to see or walk the labyrinth. The labyrinth is kept locked and I could not find one person to unlock the chapter house. 
I was very discouraged and so I used what time I had left to tour the medieval town. 

1 comment:

  1. Was looking at photos of Amiens, and came across your blog. We used to live in Indianapolis many years ago, actually, decades now that I think of it. Anyway when I saw your blog on Bayeux, I had to write! We have been there several times, each time loving every minute! We have traveled to France at least 4 times since 2000. We have almost the exact same photo as the one above, and I did a watercolour painting of it as well.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog, and will read the others you have on France as well.
